I Idiot

I finally dumped Quora

Yep , she was an arrogant bitch . A hipster if that term pleases you. Too engrossed with her own intellect and smartness . A hypocrite , all covered in the spit and polish of silicon valley . She was no beauty queen. Just an old pornstar from the 2000s . All jazzed up with minimalistic dressing and makeup . And those infatuated went after her to take a sip from those mountain like teats .

I actually never wanted to write about this . Too bored , too distracted .People would take me for a douche .I would lose intellectual credibility and be subject to a lot of online shaming. But then who gives a fuck as to what people say online besides douches and intellectual hipsters .

I liked quora in the beginning . I found swell questions and answers . physics and math , witty and funny. I hardly commented or answered , preferring to read existing answers and upvoting them. It was good pasttime , preventing me from getting bored after running out of slashdot posts .But good times are never meant to last .The age of the pseudo-intellectuals came . my Quora home page was filled with questions like "what was google's money making model, How do I become an enterpreneur , How can I sell my app . What makes a perfect society , why are indian women gold diggers" and the thousands of "why are IITians gods on earth" questions . From being one of the most intellectual places to a mediocristan of pretenders and douches. Every question had thousands of answers. There were more experts and advisers than there were topics .And I too was one among the shameless ones competing for a who has a larger moral penis competition

This isnt the only reason . Quora as a platform itself was a great hypocrisy. It was meant to be an open platform , where anyone can ask questions and get answers .Then they added a stupid credits systems to it in the name of limiting questions . What instead they should have done is deducted credits for answering questions , so that each and everyone would think twice before pouting useless answers and commments from his mouth ( in this case , hands)
And the worst part of it was you cant view or browse the sites unless you login. It just shows you the gate and nothing of the inside.Its like a baker asking every passerby to pay a dollar for smelling his buns .Why proclaim freedom of opinion and bullshit when you close access to non-users ? And why the heck would you want me to put in my full name when I can ask or answer questions anonymously . Its like asking a soldier to surrender his pocket-knife but allowing him to carry his rifle with him. Too stupid .

If you like quora ,fine. I prefer the open internet that lets me surf and read whatever i want , whenever i want